
Year Course is a 9-month gap year program in Israel where students get the chance to earn up to 30 college credits, enhance their language skills, gain meaningful and unique volunteer opportunities and deepen their curiosity of where and how they want to engage in the world around them. The students that go on Year Course gain a great sense of independence and mature in ways that enable them to truly thrive in college, both socially and academically.


For half of the year, our students’ week consists of daily Hebrew classes, 5-6 courses of their choice and weekly trips out of the classroom. At other times of the year they spend their days volunteering in local communities, undergoing basic-army training or working alongside the Israeli ambulance corps. As a student on Year Course, you will live in fully furnished apartments, learning how to cook and clean, manage a food stipend among other and balance responsibilities like laundry, homework and program participation with the amazing memories that come with exploring the countries and making life-long friends during your free-time.

Year Course is Israel’s very first Gap Year program having recently celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2016 and Young Judaea is incredibly proud to continue expanding the already vast Year Course community!

For the 2016-2017 year, we have 7 students from Massachusetts!

Registration for 2017-2017 year is open! Visit our website: http://www.youngjudaea.org/home/programs-in-israel/gap-year/young-judaea-year-course-experience

For more information call 1-866-599-2534 or email yearcourse@youngjudaea.org.

We can’t wait to see YOU in Israel!


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