When you pass by a school building during the summer, do you think “Those lucky ducks — off all summer while the rest of us working stiffs toil away all day? Actually, while it might look like a school is deserted over the summer, there is in fact a lot going on.
At Maimonides, adminstrators and support staff are still punching the proverbial clock. There are, of course, vacation weeks, but for the most part principals and admistrative staff are hard at work planning for the next school year. Here’s what some of our staff have been up to this summer — for work and for play.
Our entire academic administrative team has been meeting regularly twice a day throughout the month of July and early August examining data together related to both the quality of learning and overall sense of community at the school, analyzing the key factors leading to some of the patterns we see, and have been strategizing on how best to improve the experience students have throughout the year. Our team has re-aligned itself with the promise the school makes to students and their families of a rich Jewish education connected with a highly challenging general studies curriculum.
And that’s not all…
One of our Upper School Principals, Rabbi J. visited Boston College and spoke with some future religious school educators about challenges and opportunities faced in religious education. “I learned as well, from the other panelists there about what they do in their own schools,” he said. One of his favorite non-school activities was visiting his in-laws in NJ.
An adminstrative assistant in the elementary school has been busy getting back-to-school packets ready and ordering supplies for teachers and students. She also got married and is off now on her honeymoon. Mazal Tov, A!
Our principal in the Elementary School reports a long list of activities including hiring a new social workers, working on supervision and evaluation techniques and participated in math training with faculty members. For fun, Mrs. S. traveled to Canada, kayaked and attended her nephew’s wedding. (just to name a few)
Our admissions director is getting ready for the start of school by hosting a welcome event for Israeli families. She’s also been helping to edit our school handbooks and doing an office reorg. Her play time has included a trip to Montreal and a white water rafting trip to Maine.
Our alumni director has been planning a couple of summer get togethers for alums — one on the Esplanade and the other at school featuring a jazz trio made up of recent grads.
Last but not least, our Communications Director has been hard at work preparing the new school website. Stay tuned!
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