Temple Beth David of the South Shore will introduce its new project-based learning curriculum as part of their Shorashim Religious School beginning Sept. 15. Shorashim means “roots” in Hebrew. Through the new program, children will explore Jewish values and history through hands-on projects and interactive activities, making learning both fun and meaningful.

While many area synagogues offer religious programs that meet up to three times per week, Temple Beth David is unique for its Sunday-only approach.

School begins with an open session on Sunday, Sept. 15, beginning at 9 a.m. at the temple. All are welcome to join Rabbi Andrea M. Gouze, the school’s teachers and the TBD school family community at this school year kick-off. No RSVP is required, but interested families are encouraged to email school@templebethdavid.com with any questions or for more information about the program.

In addition to the once-weekly Shorashim program, Temple Beth David also offers a monthly pre-K program, which is open to non-members and is just $36 for the full year.

TBD is a Reform synagogue with an unwavering commitment to social justice and lifelong learning. It is a multi-generational and diverse congregation, with members of all backgrounds, including a thriving LGBTQ+ community and a commitment to accessibility for all.

For more information, please visit templebethdavid.com, email office@templebethdavid.com or call 781-828-2275.

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