We are thrilled to announce that MetroWest Jewish Day School has won a 2011 PEJE (Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education) Challenge Award! We are among 27 day schools across the country who will each receive $25,000 for innovative thinking!

Our dedicated team of board and staff members, parents and volunteers put in countless hours of hard work to create our “Apple Promotion,” a unique social media and marketing initiative which sought to engage more than 400 new families in the greater Metrowest area.

Here’s a quick abstract from our application to explain what the project included:

The MWJDS Apple iPod Touch marketing program, which reached out to 600 children in our broad area during Rosh Hashanah 2011, was the first of its kind for MWJDS and the timing of the PEJE Challenge was the impetus to integrate a traditional campaign with our new online presence and social media efforts. The primary goal of the campaign was to increase the number of qualified potential students in our recruiting database to increase enrollment and tuition revenue. We sought to increase the awareness of MWJDS across our catchment area and diverse target market, drive traffic to our website, and increase our “likes” on Facebook. The PEJE challenge was the perfect motivation for us to be more aggressive and innovative while reexamining our marketing strategy via online and social media marketing efforts. Through this process, we made a significant shift in our strategy for MWJDS.

On behalf of MWJDS students, their families, our board, staff, and volunteers:Thanks, PEJE!
This is a thrilling way to begin the holiday of miracles! Happy Chanukah!

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