Jewish learning is a lifelong journey. Nehar Shalom utilizes a unique approach prioritizing family learning, where adults learn alongside their children and model the value of exploring Jewish text, culture, spirituality and traditions.

We offer three different programs to meet the needs of children ages 3-13. After age 13, we work with each family to find the right offering in the wealth of amazing and varied post-b’mitzvah Jewish learning experiences.

For more information please visit our website Education Page

Tot Shabbat: Ages 0-7

Nehar Shalom offers Tot Shabbat programming for children ages 0-7. Parents attend alongside their children and are an integral part of the community. Just bring yourselves for this half-hour long program at 10 a.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month, as well as the chagim (please check the Nehar Shalom calendar for up-to-date program scheduling).

This half hour is interactive for the children and includes movement, singing, stories, and puppetry. We learn through songs and stories about tefillah (prayer), community, Shabbat and chag (festival) rituals, and Hebrew language. Our time together in Tot Shabbat is rooted in Nehar’s values of community, ritual, and inclusion.

Receive notifications about Tot Shabbat.

Yuvalim Learning: Ages 3-7

​Nehar Shalom is excited to announce the launch of the Yuvalim Program! Children ages 3-7 are invited to gather from 3-4:30 p.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month from Sept. 22 to June 15 (please check the Nehar Shalom calendar for up-to-date program scheduling).

Educational activities will be built for the spectrum of age-appropriate learning, and our focus this year will be Jewish time. We will learn about the rituals, values, and ideas behind the cycle of the Jewish calendar year, including Shabbat, chagim, and Rosh Chodesh. We will learn how the wisdom of Jewish time helps us be present in our community. Sessions will include opening circles, songs, learning about ritual and festival, experiential play-based activities, communal snack time with brachot learning, and closing circles. We value educating our children and want to empower them through education to participate in community with a sense of ownership and engagement with their tradition. We are Nehar Shalom, and our river is sustained in part by our children, all the yuvalim (streams)!

Register for Yuvalim.

Beit Midrash Nakhal Shalom: Ages 7-12

In keeping with our name “Nehar Shalom,” all of the youth programming will be named after the different parts of a river system. As such, we will be calling our new mishpacha program “Beit Midrash Nakhal Shalom” (beit midrash, meaning “house of study,” nakhal, meaning “stream”). In an effort to embed this program into our community, we are holding these sessions on Shabbat mornings when Nehar Shalom is having services.

The program will meet from 11:20-12:15 on every first and third Saturday morning of the month, Sept. 21 through June 14 (please check the Nehar Shalom calendar for up-to-date program scheduling).

  • 11:20-12 p.m. Parent-child learning with a facilitator, followed by group discussion. The learning will be based around the Jewish calendar and the Torah portion.
  • 12 p.m. Join the shul main services to lead “Adon Olam” at the end of the prayer service.
  • 12:15 p.m. Join the community for kiddush, where there will be kid-friendly snacks.

Register for Beit Midrash Nakhal Shalom.

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