Temple Emanuel of Andover is the largest Reform Congregation north of Boston and an active member of the URJ. Temple Emanuel serves members throughout the Merrimack Valley, Southern New Hampshire and beyond as a spiritual home, a supportive family, and a diverse and inclusive Jewish community that welcomes all who wish to celebrate Jewish life. Thanks to our dynamic clergy, capable staff, and committed and enthusiastic congregants and lay leaders, we are a thriving synagogue and maintain a robust calendar of spiritual, social, cultural, and educational programs and opportunities to engage in Judaism. We come together to learn and grow, educate our children, deepen our spirituality, rejoice in music, care for one another, celebrate life’s milestones, connect with Israel and shape a just world.
If you would like membership information, please call the temple office at 978-470-1356, email our executive director, Michelle Gamliel, at executivedirector@templeemanuel.net or visit templeemanuel.net