The mission of the Jewish Journal is to educate, inform, engage and connect the Jewish and interfaith communities here locally and throughout the world. The major effort is to always be expanding our relevancy as a newspaper for the Jewish people of Greater Boston and Massachusetts while at the same time serving our advertisers’ needs.
We cover international, national and local news, with an eye toward being newsworthy and reliable as a source of Jewish news and news of the world, of our world, whether it be Jewish or not. Our guiding force is to have a point of view for our readers about the great and minor issues of the day confronting Jews and non-Jews while at the same time guaranteeing that the Jewish Journal is open to the comments of all those who wish to express themselves in the newspaper.
At a time when many mainstream newspapers and Jewish newspapers are disappearing or shrinking, we are growing. This is because of our loyal readers and supporters and due to our generous contributors and advertisers. It is also due to having a vision for the future and a commitment to sustainability and excellence.