“Witnesses” is a historical drama that explores the Holocaust through its unwitting witnesses—a pair of shoes, a violin and a German Shepherd. It is the first feature produced in the former Soviet Union focused explicitly on exploring the history of the Holocaust. Director Konstantin Fam will be present at the screening for a discussion afterward.
The film follows three “witnesses”—a pair of women’s shoes that begin in the window of a shop and end in a mass grave in Auschwitz, a German Shepherd puppy separated from its Jewish owner and trained to be a killer, and a violin made for a little boy that goes through the horrors of the war and finishes its path in a concert by the Wailing Wall.
The film is in Russian and Yiddish with English subtitles. The runtime is 1 hour and 40 minutes, followed by a Q&A. Learn more at witnessesmovie.com.
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