Engage in Jewish learning and meaningful art-making in this virtual Passover art workshop with artist Tova Speter. With everyday materials, what can we create to add some color and meaning to our seders?
Sunday, April 5: Join our “Block Party” and create a playful artistic block to include at your seder to inspire dialogue.
Tuesday, April 7: We will explore our inner artist and discover how basic household items can be transformed into art. We will focus on four elements of Passover: Order/Meaning, Symbols/Reminders, Questions and Freedom.
Notes: No art experience is necessary. These workshops are recommended for ages 10+ (younger kids can participate with the help of an adult).
Zoom link for April 5 here. Zoom link for April 7 here.
Recommended materials:
- Blank paper
- Pencil/pen
- Coloring implements (markers, crayons, and/or colored pencils)
- Scissors
- Scotch tape and/or glue stick
- Old magazines (if you have)
- Piece of string, ribbon, yarn or rubber band (if you have)
- Bowl or box to collect small random objects in your house (if you want to be super prepared you can start to gather some objects such as buttons, legos, utensils, pencils, pennies, etc)
- One to two printed copies of this PDF
- Sticky notes or notecards (optional)
- Watercolor paint and brushes (optional)
- Flat lego (optional)
- Flat round plate or any round surface (optional)
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