Using Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas to Grow Our Souls (online with Cantor Lorel Zar-Kessler)
How can we deepen our understanding of Judaism’s powerful core teachings of thought, feeling and action – and bring them to life for us in our contemporary experience? Utilizing the framework of Rabbi Art Green’s concise and powerful book, “Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas: A Brief Guide for Seekers,” we will explore some of the most crucial underpinnings to our traditional and contemporary investment and engagement in our lived Judaism. Topics include: Shabbat, Halacha, joy, Torah, tikkun olam, affirming life and accepting death.
We’ll share Rabbi Green’s teachings as a foundation, supplementing texts from the liturgy, classic texts, and philosophical guidance to help us learn from teachers of our history and teachers around our own table; helping us broaden and deepen our connection to the fullness of our Jewish heritage.
Rabbi Art Green’s book, “Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas,” is recommended but not required for this class. All source texts will be provided.
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