Schusterman Center for Israel Studies:

ONLINESephardi/Mizrahi Women in Entwined Worlds

April 2, 2024 Free
Yemenite Mizrahi immigrants leaving the train station in Atlit, Israel (Photo: Zoltan Kluger/National Photo Collection of Israel)

In “Carving Out Light: Sephardi/Mizrahi Women’s Paradigm Change,” the fourth annual Sephardi Modernities Seminar Series, we interrogate the scholarly frameworks around the diversity of modernization processes in the Sephardi/Judeo-Arab world that connect our research and the future we aspire to.

In the midst of war, loss and uncertainty, we turn to the work of Sephardi and Mizrahi women as researchers, activists and creators of ethical and political paradigms. We will look at the history of Mizrahi women activists in Israel, Sephardi female intellectuals, Sephardi women’s musical heritage, and Judeo-Arab women’s knowledge and creation. We will look at historical struggles that extend to our present time. Through the experiences of Sephardi and Mizrahi women, we will reflect upon questions of social justice, peace and the continuity of traditions. We will ask questions about the authority of Sephardi and Mizrahi women’s knowledge and will put forward three different perspectives on Sephardi and Mizrahi women’s ethics.

Our speakers will be Susan Sered, Suffolk University, and Heftsi Cohen-Montagu, Beit Midrash Arevot.

The Sephardi Modernities Seminar is a partnership between the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University and the Belzberg Program in Israel Studies, University of Calgary. Organized by Dr. Angy Cohen, Inaugural Hy and Jenny Belzberg Postdoctoral Associate in Israel Studies, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Calgary, and Dr. Yuval Evri, Assistant Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies on the Marash and Ocuin Chair in Ottoman, Mizrahi, and Sephardic Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

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Fact Sheet
Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

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