No tickets or reservations required; just come to celebrate and pray with us at Temple Emanuel of the Merrimack Valley (TEMV), a Reform Jewish congregation with nearly 70 years serving the Lowell community. Interfaith families welcome! Rabbi Robin S. Sparr with Rabbi Em Mueller.
10 a.m.: Morning Service
Concurrent children’s service with award-winning singer/songwriter Rahel. Babysitting also available.
Kiddush following service.
2:30 p.m.: Tashlich (following Kiddush and clean up)
On the Esplanade at the U Mass Lowell Bellegarde Boathouse, 500 Pawtucket Blvd. Lowell (Cross Rourke Bridge; 0.4 miles on right)
151 Warren St
Lowell, MA 01852
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