Join rabbinical student and immigration activist Sandmel in Cambridge for study and action toward justice for immigrants and refugees.
This class, which brings together texts, conversation and volunteering, goes beyond the well-known command to “love [strangers] as yourself” to ask what that means in a society that is demonstrating ever more hostility toward them. It will provide crucial grounding in Jewish values around justice, build a community to support sustained engagement in immigration activism and connect students with organizers around Boston doing the day-to-day work of helping immigrants breathe free. As we see immigration further restricted and more and more immigrants stuck in endless detention, this class will help students plug into this urgent cause.
This class is part of Open Circle Social Action, which brings together people in their 20s and 30s for Jewish learning, organizing and activism. Joining together with local organizations fighting for justice and equality on a variety of fronts—immigration, civil rights, gender justice, the environment, and more—OCSA invites you to form community, explore foundational values and discover how to put them into action.
This class will be held Tuesdays at 7-8:30 p.m., Oct. 16, 23 and 30, and Nov. 6, 13 and 20.
Tuition assistance is available; don’t let cost be a barrier! For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Betsy More, director of Open Circle Jewish Learning, at 617-559-8736 or
Open Circle Social Action is sponsored by Hebrew College and CJP.
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