In this engrossing and intriguing drama, two sisters separated in their youth meet again as young women. Having taken divergent paths—Mira works in a hip Tel Aviv nightclub and Lenny remained in their countryside home to care for their father—they grapple with the traumatic circumstances that tore them apart. Will love and vulnerability lead them to a fragile reconciliation? This captivating feature from Dorit Hakim, a previous Venice Film Festival Silver Lion winner, boasts spectacular performances by Yuval Scharf (Footnote, The Wonders, NCJF ‘14) and Yaara Pelzig (The Policeman, NCJF ‘12). The film opened the New York Jewish Film Festival.
“Transcends into a beautiful expression of pure cinema…for its originality, confidence, strong performances, and elegant structure.” –Film Jury Statement Seattle Int’l FF
Dir: Dorit Hakim | Israel | 2016 | 110m | Hebrew w/ English subtitles
Screening in Remis Auditorium. After hours show – use MFA Linde Entrance (off the parking lot). Museum doors will open 30 minutes before showtime.
Tickets & Festival Program:
+ More... - Less...465 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
$12.00 Senior/Student
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