Literacy, Learning, Legacy: 100 hours of Jewish study. Year one curriculum: Hebrew Bible and Rabbinics.
Fall/Early Winter 2018—Hebrew Bible: Explore the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, through focused discussion of core texts, including:
- The creation stories
- The binding of Isaac
- The Exodus story
- The revelation at Sinai
- The prophetic books
Modern historical and literary approaches will enable you to analyze material through a new lens and gain a deeper understanding of the biblical world.
Schedule for “Bible” with Rabbi Leonard Gordon: October 11, 18, 25; November 1, 8, 29; December 6, 13, 20; January 3, 17, 24 (Please note: No class on November 15 or 22, December 27 and January 10. January 31 reserved for snow/sick day.)
Winter/Spring 2019—Rabbinics: Study texts from the Rabbinic Period (500 BCE to 600 CE), a time when new Jewish leaders, sages, and rabbis emerged and developed rich texts of their own, creating a legal system which has informed and ordered Jewish community, culture, and behavior for the past millennia. Explore the relationship between God and human beings, your understanding of Jewish history and ethics, and the role of ritual in our lives.
Schedule for “Rabbinics” with Rabbi Natan Margalit: February 7, 14, 28; March 7, 14, 28; April 4, 11; May 2, 9, 16, 23. (Please note: No class on February 21, March 21, April 18 and 25. May 30 reserved for snow/sick day.)
Financial aid available for all students. Please contact Sara Brown at
Instructor Bios:
Rabbi Leonard Gordon co-directs Interfaith Partners for Peace. Rabbi Gordon is rabbi emeritus of the Germantown Jewish Centre which he served as senior rabbi until 2010. He was then senior rabbi at Congregation Mishkan Tefila (Chestnut Hill, MA) until 2016.
With rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary, he has a BA and M Phil from Columbia University, and an MA in Religious Studies from Brown University. In 2018, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree at the Andover Newton Theological School with a thesis entitled, “Building Interfaith Relationships to Promote Peace.”
Rabbi Gordon has taught comparative religion and Humanities at Columbia University, Kenyon College, and the Ohio State University; and he has taught rabbinic literature, history, philosophy, and liturgy at the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Hebrew College Rabbinical School, and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. He began teaching for Me’ah in 2018. Among his publications, he was an editor of Mahzor Lev Shalem and is author of the forthcoming article, “A Jew Reads Sura Al Fatiha.”
Rabbi Natan Margalit, Ph.D., is spiritual leader of The Greater Washington Coalition for Jewish Life, in Western Connecticut, and visiting rabbi at Congregation Adas Yoshuron, in Rockville, Maine. After graduating from Reed College with a degree in anthropology, he went on to receive rabbinic ordination at The Jerusalem Seminary and earn a Ph.D. in Talmud from the University of California, Berkeley.
With the MetroWest Collaborative (Temple Beth Am, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple Israel, MetroWest Jewish Day School).
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