ONLINELeaders Speak Out: Paths to Climate Justice

August 21, 2024 Free
Nicholas Doherty, Unsplash, Offshore Windfarm, Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Environment
(Photo: Nicholas Doherty/Unsplash)

The connection between climate resilience and climate justice is why organizing matters. We will explore how climate resilience and climate justice are connected and why it makes sense for advocates of climate mitigation and climate adaptation to work together to create a stronger climate justice movement.

Reverend Vernon K. Walker is Climate Justice Program Director for Clean Water Action and Associate Minister at the Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church. Previously, he served as Program Director for Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW). He has over a decade of social justice organizing experience in the Boston area with a focus on the intersections of racial and climate justice. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Rev. Walker’s Bachelor of Science degree is from Penn State University, with a major in Organizational Leadership and a minor in Psychology. At Boston University, Rev. Walker earned a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies (M.T.S) with a focus on community engagement. And this spring, Rev. Walker earned another Master’s Degree from Tufts University in Public Policy with a focus on environmental justice; he is a 2022 Tufts Neighborhood Fellow. Rev. Walker is a Senior Fellow at the Environmental Leadership Program and Senior Fellow at Tufts University Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life through the Institute for Nonprofit Practice. Rev. Walker is a Senior Fellow at the University of Massachusetts – Boston campus Center for Collaborative Leadership.

Series co-sponsors include: JCAN-MA, MassIP&L, Elders Climate Action, Massachusetts Chapter, MassEnergize and Massachusetts Building Electrification Accelerator.

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Fact Sheet
Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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