Hostage Tunnel Immersive Exhibit

Top Pick Next Event: August 18, 2024 Boston Free
Boston Unites Against Terror: Hostage Tunnel Immersive Exhibit Exterior
Boston Unites Against Terror: Hostage Tunnel Immersive Exhibit Exterior (Photo courtesy of Hostage Tunnel Immersive Exhibit)

The Boston Unites Against Terror: Hostage Tunnel Exhibit is an audio-visual simulation of hostages’ experiences in Hamas tunnels in Gaza. Designed in consultation with hostages who were released in November, with audio from recovered Hamas body cameras and video from inside the tunnels, this immersive exhibit provides powerful insight into the horrors of Hamas captivity.

Walk through the simulation, view the other displays, and talk to hostage families. Learn about the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on civilians inside Israel. Get a glimpse of the ~ 300 miles of underground tunnels constructed under Gaza. Feel for a moment some of the horror the hostages have been enduring for over nine months. Visit the exhibit, gain insight into the hostages’ experience, and unite across political divides in the call for their freedom!

Why Is This Important to the City of Boston?

Boston carries the wounds of two recent major terrorist attacks: the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, where three people were killed and hundreds injured, and the Sept. 11 attack in 2001, where 2,996 people were killed, including over 200 with Massachusetts ties. Like the marathon bombing and 9/11 attacks, Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel was executed by terrorists acting on detailed, premeditated plans designed to maximize harm and bring down Western democracy and freedom. Boston, with its important civil rights legacy, and home of the Freedom Trail, is the natural next stop in the U.S. tour of this important exhibit about the dangers of terrorism.

Who Is This Exhibit For?

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” This exhibit is for all people across all religious and political spectra who reject terrorism and wish to unite in the call for the release of all the hostages still enduring darkness. (Registrants must be 18 or over to tour the exhibit.)

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