ONLINECommunity-Wide Sukkot Services

Next Event: October 16, 2024 Boston Free
Sukkot service in the Sukkah in the Temple Israel of Boston garden
(Photo: Temple Israel of Boston)

The festival holiday of Sukkot reminds us of our communal obligation to face outward with open hearts to ease suffering and heal our fractured world.

Erev Sukkot and Qabbalat Shabbat: Wednesday, Oct. 16

Join us in our Sukkah of Justice and Compassion for a night of heartfelt prayer, festive food, and joyful music, with Shabbat Mishpachah included. The Jewish bluegrass band Jacob’s Ladder will be playing before and after the service to help kick off Qabbalat Shabbat and our harvest festival.


  • 5:45 p.m. Schmooze and nosh for all ages before our service (onsite)
  • 6:30 p.m. Festival service in the Sukkah of Justice and Compassion, onsite and online: Join us for a Sukkot festival service in our sukkah; hear about our Tikkun Central teams and their pursuit of righteous impact; and learn how you can get involved!
  • 7:30 p.m. Festival oneg (reception onsite)

Sukkot Festival Service and Torah Study: Thursday, Oct. 17

Our festival service is followed by a celebratory and engaging Sukkot study session, onsite and online. Please join us afterward for a Sukkot Festival Qiddush, celebrating the bounty and joyousness of the season with delicious food and engaging conversation (onsite).

See full details about celebrating the High Holy Days with Temple Israel of Boston, from S’lichot through Simchat Torah.

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Fact Sheet
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Thursday, October 17, 2024, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

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