Who knows challah better than Mandylicious?! Join Boston-area challah guru Mandy Silverman of Mandylicious and 18Doors’ Molly Kazin Marshall for a virtual challah-making class. In honor of Rosh Hashanah, we will be making a special apple-shaped round challah (complete with sprinkles, of course!). Whether you grew up celebrating Rosh Hashanah or the Jewish New Year is completely new to you, we hope you’ll join us for a fun and delicious evening. Ingredients list and a dough recipe will be shared upon registration.
This event runs in two parts all on the same night. Part 1 is optional.
Part 1: 5:30-6 p.m.
Never made challah before? Mandy will guide you in making your challah dough. Is your dough too wet or won’t knead together right? Not to worry! Mandy can give you tips and tricks to working with dough, whether it’s challah or other baking creations. Once your dough is made, it will need 90 minutes to rise; feel free to use that time to have dinner, relax and then get ready to braid together at 7:30 p.m.!
Part 2: 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Join us with your fully risen dough so Mandy can teach us all how to braid our challah into an apple shape. She’ll walk us through the steps of rolling out the dough into strands all the way through adding festive sprinkles. Use either the dough you made earlier in the evening with Mandy, or use any other dough you’ve already made (as long as it’s been covered and refrigerated!). Just remove it from the refrigerator about 20 minutes prior to the class.
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